Brother and Sister Love

Katie's birthday party

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Special Day

It's been 40 somthing years ago today that I came into this world. I was born in Wilmington NC. God blessed me with two wonderful parents and a great "big" brother. At the time I was born, my 6 yr old brother was in the hospital having his tonsils removed. My mom went into labor and they took her upstairs to the maternity floor. When my brother heard he had a new baby , he said "I could just fly up there and kiss her". He was always trying to hold my hand and keep me straight. Just like my Noah and Katie. My mom brought me home in a little red stocking. I still have it. A few days after I was born, my dad lost his job. What a lot to experience in a few days. My family has had some struggles as all do, but have always trusted God to see us through. I am so grateful for my family. Even today I got a birthday call from my Mom, and my dad left me a message, singing "Happy Birthday" to his little girl. How sweet:)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Joanie!!!!Thank you for the reminder to TRUST our Lord during the hard times.Hope your day is wonderful! Didn't realize you were such a Christmas baby:)



Our forever 'sweet pea" age 3yrs old